Gift Our Service

Looking for the perfect gift? You've found it! We are proud to offer our most popular service, our annual pest control, as a giftable service! And for being such a thoughtful person, we are offering current customers a 25% discount their next renewal!
How it works
Choose the right size of the recipients home below
Purchase the service and receive an order number
Make sure to enter the name on your account where asked
Gift the order number to the recipient.
That's it! They can call us when they are ready to schedule their service, we automatically apply the discount to your account, and you win the "Best Gift Giver" award.
Get started
Start by choosing the best option below:
For more information on our Annual Pest Control service, click here.
We can also help you with this offer by calling/texting our office at 561-758-5548, by emailing us at, or by our website chat box located in the bottom right-hand corner of this screen.